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The term 'opiates' is used to refer to any of the narcotic opioid alkaloids found in the opium poppy plant or synthetic man made opiates, such as Methadone, Demoral, Ultram. Opiates are either constituents, or the compounds obtained from the constituents of opium. These opiates are obtained from the sap of the opium poppy. Major opiates present in opium include morphine, codeine, papaverine and thebaine. The opiates derived from major opiates like morphine and codeine include heroin, hydrocodone and oxycodone. Opiates are highly addictive in nature, and abruptly withdrawing from their use can trigger a series of opiate withdrawal symptoms in an individual, thus preventing users from getting rid of this addiction.
Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms
Symptoms of opiate withdrawal may range from problems, such as vomiting and headache, to major complications that may require the person to be hospitalized. The degree of withdrawal symptoms will depend on how long the opiates in question were being used. Secondly, it's not that a person only gets addicted to drugs such as heroine and morphine. An individual may also get addicted to opiates such as oxycodone/Oxycontin that are present in various prescription drugs that are prescribed for various illnesses. In such cases, individuals may not even know that they are addicted to something. In fact, they tend to treat the opiate withdrawal symptoms as a recurring ailment and continue taking the prescribed medicine, thus getting addicted to it sooner or later. A stage is reached where they are unable to stop using the medications even if various side effects become obvious.
Commonly observed opiate withdrawal symptoms include:
Abdominal Cramps/Diarrhea/Nausea/Vomiting
Dilated Pupils/Excessive Tears
Goose Bumps/Chills/Sweating
Insomnia/Frequent Yawning
Muscle Aches/Leg Kicking/Tremors
Runny Nose/Sneezing
Some symptoms may start showing within 48 hours from the last dose, while some may become more obvious and severe with time.
Narcotic drug use and addiction doesn't stop with opiate withdrawal symptoms alone, opiate withdrawal can also lead to some severe complications, which can eventually result in the death of the individual. One of the most prominent complications is drug overdose when returning to drug abuse after staying away for a significant period. When the person stops using these opiates, his tolerance levels for the particular drug decreases significantly. In such circumstances, even a small amount of the drug can lead to drug overdose, and eventually, death. People withdrawing from drugs are also known to experience bouts of depression and other acute mental illnesses.
These opiate withdrawal symptoms are bound to make it difficult for the individual to get rid of addiction. One has to have strong determination in order to fight them. It's not so easy, as time and again the person will be forced to go to the drug for one last time, thus making it impossible to get rid of. The best option is to seek a reputable rapid drug detox program and once the patient is detoxed, the use of the non-addicting, non-opiate, opiate blocking medication Naltrexone which will keep the patient clean by helping with cravings and protecting the opiate receptors by blocking any ingested opiate from attaching.